Revox B-150

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#1 erstellt: 17. Mai 2022, 20:42
Dear All,

please excuse me writing in English, but my German is still not on the required level.
I am new to the forum and I hope that I could get some information that I need and so far was not able to find on Internet.

Recently I have acquired a Revox B 150. Device looks nice and sounds great.
However, I have noticed that the amplifier sounds somehow not so powerful, as compared to other amps that I own (Denon PMA 925R, NAD 317, Onkyo A-8470).
For example, when I increase the volume control to the middle of the scale (5 dots on the display)

display scale

sound pressure is created that equals the sound pressure created by my other amps, but with volume controls knobs set to around 1/4 turn.

Now my question: Is this behaviour of the volume control of the B-150 made intentionally so, or am I facing a technical problem with my amplifier.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could help with this issue.

#2 erstellt: 17. Mai 2022, 22:30
sorry, there is no issue...

To compare the scale of any amp says absolutly nothing

The only thing is: does the amp work with your speakers good?
#3 erstellt: 17. Mai 2022, 22:35
Hi Dimitar,

You noticed that at similar setting of the volume control ( i.e. at 30% or 50 % of full volume) your Revox sounds not as loud or less powerful as another brand amp you compared with. That may well be the case.

However your conclusion that therefore your Revox amp were overall less powerful is wrong. Instead, simply the control characteristics of the volume potentiometers could be different.

In your comparison you may also arrive mistakenly to your conclusion if you had compared the other amp switched to "loudness = on" with the Revox B150 (Revox B150 has - sadly - no loudness function, different from the Revox B250). The higher gain of low frequencies when loudness is switched "on" gives the impression of more powerful sound. Make sure that you have at the other brand amplifier loudness switched "off" in a comparison.

Having said that, there is no "technical problem", if one amplifier reaches a distinct power output at a different volume knob position than another. That is fully ok. The B150 reaches 2 x 120 W sinus (continuous) with 4 Ohm speaker impedance, both channels driven and with 200 mVrms input. That's certainly plenty of power.


[Beitrag von oldiefan1 am 17. Mai 2022, 23:04 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 18. Mai 2022, 11:05

dialektik (Beitrag #2) schrieb:
sorry, there is no issue...

To compare the scale of any amp says absolutly nothing

The only thing is: does the amp work with your speakers good?

Yes dialektik, the amp works fine with my speakers.
#5 erstellt: 18. Mai 2022, 11:23

oldiefan1 (Beitrag #3) schrieb:
Hi Dimitar,

You noticed that at similar setting of the volume control ( i.e. at 30% or 50 % of full volume) your Revox sounds not as loud or less powerful as another brand amp you compared with. That may well be the case.

However your conclusion that therefore your Revox amp were overall less powerful is wrong. Instead, simply the control characteristics of the volume potentiometers could be different.

In your comparison you may also arrive mistakenly to your conclusion if you had compared the other amp switched to "loudness = on" with the Revox B150 (Revox B150 has - sadly - no loudness function, different from the Revox B250). The higher gain of low frequencies when loudness is switched "on" gives the impression of more powerful sound. Make sure that you have at the other brand amplifier loudness switched "off" in a comparison.

Having said that, there is no "technical problem", if one amplifier reaches a distinct power output at a different volume knob position than another. That is fully ok. The B150 reaches 2 x 120 W sinus (continuous) with 4 Ohm speaker impedance, both channels driven and with 200 mVrms input. That's certainly plenty of power.


Hello oldiefan1,

Thank you for your input.

I use no loudness and prefer to listen to the amplifiers in "source direct" mode, whenever possible.

I was also thinking that the control characteristics of the volume potentiometer of the Revox might be different from the other amps, but also wanted to check out if other B-150 owners could confirm that, but seems like it's not really needed now.

Overall I am very pleased with the sound of the Revox B150.

#6 erstellt: 27. Mai 2022, 21:20
just to mention that currently I am looking to buy a Revox B-208 remote control for my amplifier.
In the meantime I am trying to change the "power on volume" settings with a Harmony remote control, but seems like I am missing the needed "." button.

Does anyone know a workaround for the missing "." button.

Thank you in advance for any guidance.
#7 erstellt: 28. Mai 2022, 09:44
Sorry, Iam not familiar with B150,
but B285 and B250 have 2 features to adjust the volume scale:
1. Volume Top
2. Sensitivity setting for every input
May be B150 has also something similar?
#8 erstellt: 30. Mai 2022, 06:53
Hi, I am not really sure about that.
#9 erstellt: 01. Feb 2023, 09:38

Currently I have one concern regarding the same B150 amplifier, so decided not to open a new threat.

I found the amp self powered few times now, which I do not really understand.
Unfortunately this event happens during time when there is nobody in the living room, so no lamps emitting, TV, or any other stuff working.
But, this is happening only daytime, not in the night.

For the moment being I use some old school technology, like piece of paper tape, to block the IR sensor of the amp.

i am not expecting to came upon any "predictors" around here to explain the "event", but maybe someone could have experienced such a behaviour from another amplifier and could give me a hand here.

Many thanks in advance for your input.
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