Transportsicherung bei Technics SL-22

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#1 erstellt: 13. Mrz 2010, 17:05
Guten Tag,

ist wahrscheinlich ne blöde Frage, aber wo ist bei o.g. Dreher die Transportsicherung bzw. wie löst man sie?

Freu mich über Antwort!

Viele Grüße
#2 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2010, 18:27

Under the platter you will see 2 or 3 holes through the wooden frame.
Here was inserted screws to stabilize the transport during shipping.
Each screw was equipped with a small cardboard circular tag where it was written i red that these are transport-screws that needs to be removed before use.

Now, how that for a memory?


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#3 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2010, 19:15

Thanks for the advice -- however, no screws, no tags whatsoever. In fact I'm starting to doubt that the transport stabilization is causing the malfunction since the platter mechanism can be moved manually = the platter is NOT locked in place.

Well, always bad advice to buy delicate stuff on the internet...!

[Beitrag von alfred1410 am 14. Mrz 2010, 20:28 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2010, 20:02
The mechanism should move and not be secured to the wooden frame.
Only when the transport screws are inserted should it not move.
This is a part of the design to avoid acoustic feed-back from soundvibrations picked up by the feet from the underlaying table or shelf on which you put the turntable.

It is the first crude floating chassis design as I remember.
Pioneer later perfected this design and it was even used on some of their very cheap players like the PL-100.



[Beitrag von tri-comp am 14. Mrz 2010, 21:07 bearbeitet]
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#5 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2010, 20:32
That's what I'm saying: it moves, so it's not secured, so it's broken -- I'll humbly check with my dealer...

Or any ideas as for the reason? Could it simply be the belt?

Thanks anyway for trying to help!
#6 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2010, 21:05

It SHOULD move; it's NOT broken

Sorry, I can't write this in German language. I Read well enough, but Writing is awfull.

Perhaps some kind soul will translate my writing in German, thanks.

Hope you understand.


[Beitrag von tri-comp am 14. Mrz 2010, 21:06 bearbeitet]
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#7 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2010, 21:58
No problem --

well, of course it moves, but only if moved by hand, it does not move when switched on; that is why I fear it's broken.

So the question remains: Why doesn't the platter rotate?
(I'd even accept help in French...!)
#8 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2010, 23:18
Yes, the Tower of Babel wasn't build in vain

Your turntable has a very simple drive.

The motor should turn when when you set the speed-selector to 33 or 45 AND move the arm towards the platter.

If it doesn't first you should check if the motor receives any power. The servo for maintaining a constant speed is built into the motor; there are no external electronic components that may be defective except the power-supply itself and the 33/45 RPM preset poti's.
I have seen these Panasonic motors become defective so that could be the case here.

Of course the drive-belt may be worn and have become too long or hard. Then the motor can't transfer enough power to rotate the platter. Belt dimensions in case you need to order a new: 186 x 4 x 0,6mm, Technics partno.: SJY900803

The platter may be stuck in hardened grease in the bearing but that's easy to see. Remove the belt and the platter should spin freely when you rotate it by hand.


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#9 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2010, 01:25
Thank you so much for your support -- I'm quite embarassed about that, but I just found that the belt wasn't even fitted...!

I'm tremendously sorry, but I've been listening to direct drives only so far, it's my first time belt experience -- hope you can forgive me.

Best wishes & thank you again! & sorry...!
#10 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2010, 01:38

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