Oppo971 oder 970 oder Panasonic S52 Qual derWahl

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#1 erstellt: 08. Okt 2006, 18:33
habe nun auch den S 52 von Pana.
Kennt jemand den Unterschied zwischen dem Oppo 971 und dem Pana S 52. Finde der Pana macht über HDMI ein gutes Bild.

Der Benchmark auf BENCHMARK schreibt

Hier der Panasonic S 52 Kommentar:
"It would be hard for me to recommend this player to anyone. The video processing is on the weak side and will result in a softer image with poorly mastered material. I was impressed with the feature set considering the price point, but that doesn’t make up for the other issues. For those using component inputs, you should steer clear of this player, as its core performance using that output needs a lot of work and there is a lot better to be found in this price range."

Für den Oppo 971 ist der Commentar:

"If you are in the market for a budget DVD player, with a DVI output, and which has exceptional video performance, the 971H definitely meets these criteria. This player passes below-black, has no pixel cropping, and there are no signs of Y/C delay. I personally can’t wait to see what Oppo has in store for us next. Congratulations to Oppo Digital on making a great player even better!"

Der Oppo schneidet in allem Besser ab.
Benchmark Hier
Nun bin ich Total verunsichert.

Wie ist eure Meinung wer sollte das Rennen machen.

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