Was kann an einer Nautilus 802 kaputt gehen?

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#1 erstellt: 18. Nov 2004, 08:16
hello miteinander!
es gibt derzeit im netz meine traumboxen: B&W´s 802 um nur 3.500,- € zu kaufen. sie sind 3,5 jahre alt. kann da bei halbwegs vernünftigem gebrauch überhaupt was kaputt gehen? mir kommt der preis sagenhaft günstig vor!!! (ich dachte, diese soliden dinger sind wertanlagen u. fallen kaum im preis) würdet ihr zuschlagen? bitte um eure meinung. thx!
Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 18. Nov 2004, 11:02

mir kommt der Preis auch (fast zu) guenstig vor! Ok die hat nun auch schon 3,5 Jahre... Die Preise von so "alten" kenne ich nicht so genau (neuere mit ca. 6 Monaten gibts fuer ca. 5600 Euro).

Theoretisch duerfte es da aber kein Problem sein: wenn die Box optisch sehr gut da steht und die B&W Owners card hat gehst Du eigentlich kein Risiko ein!

Die Owners Card ist eine ab Kaufdatum 10 Jaehrige uebertragbare Garantie (vom deutschen Distributor!). Du musst dann nur darauf achten, dass es sich um deutsche Ware handelt! Lass Dir am besten die Karte vor dem Kauf zeigen, die kann dann auf Dich nach dem Kauf umgeschrieben werden.

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How do I go about getting my speakers serviced or repaired?

Our products in general do not require regular servicing in order to maintain peak performance. However, they may occasionally require repair and B&W Loudspeakers Ltd. maintains a network of distributors (importers) and local dealers around the world who offer after-sales support for our products.

If you require spare parts for or repair to any B&W product, including warranty work, you should in the first instance contact the dealer from whom you bought it.

If this is not possible, for example if you no longer live close to the dealer, or the dealer no longer sells B&W, or the dealer has ceased business, contact the B&W distributor for your country for assistance. Contact details for all our distributors and many dealers are listed on this web site.

Some distributors do not import all B&W products and, if you have moved to a different country, your new country distributor may not offer support for your particular model. You may even have moved to a country not served by a B&W distributor. Should this be the case, then you can contact:

Service Department
B&W Loudspeakers Ltd
Dale Road
West Sussex
BN11 2BH

Tel: +44 (0)1903 221800
Fax: +44 (0)1903 221801
e-mail: service@bwspeakers.com

B&W will endeavour to repair or replace drive units or diaphragm assemblies, crossovers and grilles for all finished products up to 10 years from the last manufacturing month (not from date of retail purchase). Note that individual crossover components are not available, only complete crossovers or fully loaded printed circuit boards.

In respect of prestige high-end products such as 800 Series, Signature Series and Emphasis, this period is extended to 15 years from the final production month.

At the end of the supply period, we will inform all distributors and request any final parts orders.

Please note that we cannot guarantee to be able to supply all parts and some may be discontinued once stocks have been exhausted. B&W will endeavour to advise all distributors if this occurs.

Additionally, we will hold accessory parts for products after the last manufacturing date but we cannot guarantee supply up to the above periods.

Packaging will not be available after the final production date.

We cannot supply replacement cabinets at any time. If there is a manufacturing defect, the whole speaker will be replaced under warranty. If damage to the cabinet is incurred, either in transit or in use, the whole speaker should be replaced by making a claim on the appropriate insurance. Please ensure the products are adequately covered by insurance.

The B&W International Warranty
Prior to September 1999, the warranty on B&W products was given by the distributor (importer) in each region. Products made since September 1999, carry a warranty directly by B&W Loudspeakers Ltd, in order to simplify the situation where a customer moves from one country to another. Such products include a B&W International Warranty document, the terms of which are as follows:

B&W products are designed and manufactured to the highest quality standards. However, if something does go wrong with any product, B&W Loudspeakers and its national distributors warrant free of charge labour (exclusion may apply) and replacement parts in any country served by an official B&W distributor.
This limited warranty is valid for a period of five years from the date of purchase or two years for electronics including amplified loudspeakers.

Terms and Conditions:
The warranty is limited to the repair of the equipment. Neither transportation, nor any other costs, nor any risk for removal, transportation and installation of products is covered by this warranty.
This warranty is only valid for the original owner. It is not transferable.
This warranty will not be applicable in cases other than defects in materials and/or workmanship at the time of purchase and will not be applicable:
a) for damages caused by incorrect installation, connection or packing,
b) for damages caused by any use other than correct use described in the user manual, negligence, modifications, or use of parts that are not made or authorised by B&W,
c) for damages caused by faulty or unsuitable ancillary equipment,
d) for damages caused by accidents, lightning, water, fire heat, war, public disturbances or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of B&W and its appointed distributors,
e) for products whose serial number has been altered, deleted, removed or made illegible,
f) if repairs or modifications have been executed by an unauthorised person.
This guarantee complements any national/regional law obligations of dealers or national distributors and does not affect your statutory rights as a customer.
How to claim repairs under warranty:
Should service be required, please follow the following procedure:
If the equipment is being used in the country of purchase, you should contact the B&W authorised dealer from whom the equipment was purchased.
If the equipment is being used outside the country of purchase, you should contact the B&W national distributor in the country of residence, who will advise where the equipment can be serviced. You can call B&W in the UK or visit our web site to get the contact details of your local distributor.
To validate your warranty, you will need to produce the warranty booklet, completed and stamped by your dealer on the date of purchase. Alternatively, you will need the original sales invoice, or other proof of ownership and date of purchase.

Wie Du siehst gibt es sogar eine Internationale Garantie! Selbst bei importieretn 802 waere das Risiko also begrenzt - falls alle Dokumente vorhanden sind (Garantiekarte/Rechnung)


P.S. Viel Glueck beim Kauf!!
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#3 erstellt: 18. Nov 2004, 11:05

spitzfish schrieb:
hello miteinander!
es gibt derzeit im netz meine traumboxen: B&W´s 802 um nur 3.500,- € zu kaufen. sie sind 3,5 jahre alt. kann da bei halbwegs vernünftigem gebrauch überhaupt was kaputt gehen? mir kommt der preis sagenhaft günstig vor!!! (ich dachte, diese soliden dinger sind wertanlagen u. fallen kaum im preis) würdet ihr zuschlagen? bitte um eure meinung. thx!

Ich schlage nur zu, wenn mich jemand angreift

Ne, jetzt mal im Ernst.Das must Du doch letztendlich für Dich entscheiden, wer hier im Forum, soll Dir denn darauf eine vernünftige Antwort geben, wenn es sich um so ein hohes Erwerbsbudget geht???
Ist häufiger hier
#4 erstellt: 18. Nov 2004, 11:59

spitzfish schrieb:
hello miteinander!
es gibt derzeit im netz meine traumboxen: B&W´s 802 um nur 3.500,- € zu kaufen. sie sind 3,5 jahre alt. kann da bei halbwegs vernünftigem gebrauch überhaupt was kaputt gehen? mir kommt der preis sagenhaft günstig vor!!! (ich dachte, diese soliden dinger sind wertanlagen u. fallen kaum im preis) würdet ihr zuschlagen? bitte um eure meinung. thx!

ob ja oder nein kann hier keiner entscheiden, aber ich wäre vorsichtig, denn der Preis ist sehr niedrig. Also:
warum verkauft der heutige Eigentümer?
Hat er nur mit 90 db gespielt oder eher im üblichen Rahmen.

Bei B&W gehen hin und wieder - Garantie hin oder her _ die Mitteltöner kaputt, aber Hochtöner und Bass sind sehr stabil.

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