hohe Effizienz Breitbandlautsprechers von RFT

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#1 erstellt: 28. Apr 2021, 02:36
Hi my friend!
I'm italian so I can't speak german, anyway I hope someone can help me!
I'm searching for some high efficiency breitbandlautsprecher von RFT.
I would like to find some breitband lautsprecher with a power range up to 8/10 watt, 4 ohm, efficiency about 94/96 dB/1w. 20 cm of diameter or oval shape like 25x16 cm or more!
I like so much the RFT L2501 (oval shape) 6 W and 94 dB efficiency (60-12.000 hZ !!!!it's a kind of miracle!) but it's hard to find a couple of this model.
So, could you reccomend some other RFT models like the L2501 ?
You can write me in german and I can use Google Translate, so no problem!
Thank you very much!
Best Regards.

[Beitrag von peters8 am 28. Apr 2021, 02:53 bearbeitet]
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#2 erstellt: 29. Apr 2021, 02:35
Hey guys!
Hat sich gelöscht
#3 erstellt: 29. Apr 2021, 03:21
Hey Peter,

until now I have tried the RFT L2259PBO (2 or 3 W, depending on the actual speaker) and the RFT L6501 (6 W), and they are both quite good sounding speakers. The RFT L2659 are supposed to sound very good, too, but I haven't tried them yet. Plus, they seem to need an additional tweeter.

You might as well google for any old RFT tube radios (Röhrenradios) and check out their speakers. They all should suit your needs.

Good luck!

[Beitrag von Monohuhn am 29. Apr 2021, 06:40 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 29. Apr 2021, 03:41
DDR Lautsprecher (RFT, Regent) gibt's öfters bei diversen Kleinanzeigenportalen.
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#5 erstellt: 30. Apr 2021, 17:02
Thank you so much!
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