wanna find German Speakers that boost bass for Yamaha 630

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 23. Dez 2002, 12:01
I have a problem of lacking bass with Yamaha 630. Anyone please recommend Speakers that can correct bass problem. In my mind I plan to buy Canton LE109. Please recommend. Thank you very much
#2 erstellt: 05. Jan 2003, 19:51
I would strongly reccomend you to change the Yamaha 630.
the yamaha is the bass problem!
I did have a similar experience with my AX 590.
even with two big active Subwoofers Yamaha sw 150 the bass was not solved, there was enough bass then but id did not sound very good.
I changed the Yamaha with a seventies Marantz 4400 Reciever and the problem was gone!
Great sound and great bass, even without the two subs.
#3 erstellt: 05. Jan 2003, 20:54
yeah.. cut out the treble and find the bass increased.
I have a '69 Sansui and an AX 550 - can't say there is a difference in the bass.


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