HIFI-FORUM » Stereo » Elektronik » Analogtechnik/Plattenspieler » Detektive gesucht! Was ist das für ein Dreher? | |
Detektive gesucht! Was ist das für ein Dreher?+A -A |
Autor |
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Neuling |
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erstellt: 22. Mrz 2016, |
Ich habe folgende herzergreifende Geschichte eines Plattensammlers gelesen und ich denke, man sollte versuchen, ihm zu helfen: When I was about 12, my mom started to notice that I had taken an interest in vinyl. It was the 90s, so vinyl wasn't popular. At all. It was kinda weird that I was a 12 year old record collector, listening to classic rock and oldies. My mom did "pet therapy" which consisted of her going around to nursing homes once per month and bringing an animal for the old folks to pet and interact with. One day she told me that she wanted me to come with her to do her pet therapy because she wanted me to meet someone. It was summertime, I was 12, and bored, so I went. The first room she took me to was this old guy, sitting in a chair, listening to records. She introduced us, and said "have fun!" And just walked off and left me there. As I looked around the room, I was astonished. He had thousands of records. We started to talk about music. Most of the music I liked, he didn't know much about, and most of the music he had, I had never heard before. He played some old bluegrass, Johnny Cash, and Hank Williams for me. We hit it off right away. When my mom finished, she picked me up, and I asked if I could come back the next month. And the next month, and the next. I had a blast with him. I'd never had an old friend before. He was funny, and kind, and didn't treat me like a stupid kid. He treated me like one of his war buddies. He told me how he fought at Normandy, and was one of the few to survive, and he spared no details. After several months of this, he told my mom one day that he didn't know how much time he had left, and that next visit, he told me he wanted me to have his record player and all his vinyl, because he didn't think anyone else would enjoy them like I would. I was so sad and happy to receive this gift. That was my last visit with him. He passed away a couple weeks later, I still get choked up thinking about it. It was a huge gesture to a stupid kid, that opened my eyes to a new world of music. The picture above is a picture of the turntable he gave me. These are the only images I have of it. It broke about 8 years ago, and I regrettably threw it away. ![]() Vielleicht gibt es ja ein paar "Füchse", die bei der Suche helfen können? Danke im Voraus. Grüße, Hansi |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 23. Mrz 2016, |
Hansi: Sieht verdächtig nach RCA Victor aus. Receiver-Teil offenbar dieses: ![]() ![]() Der Sammler möge also am besten mal kucken, ob er noch irgendwo entsprechende RCA-Victor-Kataloge/-Prospekte aus den End-60ern auftreiben kann... Grüße aus München! Manfred / lini |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 23. Mrz 2016, |
Hallo, Mensch Manfred, kennst Du jeden Plattenspieler? Ich habe den seltsamen Tonarm gesehen und gleich gedacht, keine Chance kenn ich nicht. Mit dem Hinweis auf RCA Victor hebe ich folgendes Youtube Video eines RCA Victor VJT-59-W gefunden, ich finde der sieht recht ähnlich aus, ![]() Die Bezeichnung bezieht sich wahrscheinlich auf die Konsole nicht auf den verbauten Plattenspieler. Aber wenn ich mir die Anzahl der Treffer bei Google ansehe wirds eh schwer soetwas zu bekommen. Gruß Zwerg Edit das Youtubevideo unten zeigt einen der noch ähnlicher ist, ich würde fat sagen, da ist die richtige. ![]() G.Z. [Beitrag von hifi-zwerg am 23. Mrz 2016, 16:31 bearbeitet] |
Neuling |
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erstellt: 24. Mrz 2016, |
Ach fantastisch. Der Bekannte in den USA hat schon bestätigt, dass dies das gesuchte Gerät ist. Er will sich jetzt auf die Suche machen und eins kaufen. Vielen Dank. Das war wirklich eine große Hilfe. Ich bin begeistert. Seine amerikanischen Plattensammlerkumpels haben das nicht so gut hinbekommen ![]() ![]() |
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