Behringer 1204 USB Mischpult - Audio Interface

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#1 erstellt: 08. Feb 2022, 21:57
Hi there, I want to use the Behringer 1204USB Mixer to record on my computer. I´ve connected the 1204USB via USB cable with the computer (windows10) and in the direction from Computer to mixer it works already, but not in the other direction. What can I do? Any suggestions? If it works in one direction, I think the audio interface is working, isnt it?
#2 erstellt: 09. Feb 2022, 10:35
You need a recording software on the PC to accomplish this.

Which one are you using?

There are three "Source" buttons on the 1204. Which one did you press?

[Beitrag von EiGuscheMa am 09. Feb 2022, 10:40 bearbeitet]
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