PEAQ Munet Smart

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#1 erstellt: 08. Dez 2014, 21:54

I've just bought a PEAQ Munet Smart single speaker and although I am initially impressed with it I cannot access music stored on an external drive on my PC - I only see my Windows user libraries of Music, Pictures and Videos.

Can somebody please tell me if it is possible to access other Windows folders / drives?


#2 erstellt: 08. Dez 2014, 23:02
Hi Scott,

I don't own a Munet speaker, but I think you have to share the directory (or the drive) to make it available for other network participants. After that you should be able to access the folder by the speaker.
#3 erstellt: 08. Dez 2014, 23:07

Thanks for the response. I have already shared the drive and folder with my network and currently play movies on an Eminent and music on a Squeezebox.

#4 erstellt: 08. Dez 2014, 23:31
Does that mean, that you can't access the shared folder with the Munet? You have to make sure, that the user you use with the Munet is allowed to access the share.

If it doesn't work you may try to add the shared folder to your Windows music library. You wrote, that you can use this library with the Munet.
#5 erstellt: 08. Dez 2014, 23:49
Correct. I can't see any folder other than the Windows Pictures, Music and Videos folders for me - the only user. No drives are visible either.

My music folder is over 500Gb - hence the external drive, so moving it to my local Music folder isn't an option.

#6 erstellt: 09. Dez 2014, 00:01
You don't have to move anything. You just add the folder to the index of the music library. When you open the library in windows explorer, on top you have an information tag that shows how many folders are indexed in the library. When you click on that link a dialogue pop up appears and you can add your external drive to the library (as an indexed folder).

[Beitrag von Merlin2011 am 09. Dez 2014, 00:02 bearbeitet]
#7 erstellt: 09. Dez 2014, 01:54
Well, I didn't know that.

However, I added the drive to my Music folder but the Munet still says "No content available".

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