transfer file from ic fullhd dr+ 40"

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#1 erstellt: 12. Jun 2008, 08:45
hello !
i´m from spain, i have an tv loewe individual compose fullhd dr+ 40" 50 hz.excuse me, my english is very bad and i´m not speak germany.
i have some questions about this tv.
it´s posible transfer file from hard disk the tv to pc ?? and, it´s posiblle transfer file from pc to tv ?? what software can i use to connect??
do you know website or forum where have information and tips about tv´s loewe´s??
thanks very much.
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 12. Jun 2008, 09:35
Hi Superbully,

according my best knowledge, nobody (outside LOEWE) was able to perform this till now. The harddisk is running a special file system. So it is not possible to take it out of the TV and connect it to a PC. In an early SW version there was a submenue in the service mode to copy files via USB, but this is hidden now. Let's see, if somebody else knows more.

Best Regards,

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