Verkaufe Jeff Rowland Endstufe

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#1 erstellt: 18. Feb 2007, 10:16
Hallo zusammen,

umstandshalber würde ich meine JefF Rowland Endstufe Model1 abgeben.

Technische Daten:

Model 1 Specs
Specs refer to the latest iteration of the product.

Output power 60 watts RMS continuous, 8 ohms
120 watts RMS continuous, 4 ohms
215 watts RMS continuous, 2 ohms
Power Bandwidth 0.3 Hz to 300 kHz, -3 dB
Slew Rate 70 volts per microsecond
THD and Noise Less than .025%, 1 kHz, 8 ohms, 20 watts
Less than .035%, 1 kHz, 8 ohms, 60 watts
Damping Factor Greater than 200, 20 Hz to 20 kHz, 8 ohms
Greater than 85 100 kHz, 8 ohms
Output Current 22 amps peak, continuous
55 amps peak, 0.1 ohm, 20 msec, 1 kHz
Overall Gain Selectable: 20, 26, 29.5, 32 dB
Sensitivity 136 mV, 1 watt, 8 ohms
Input Impedance Selectable: 100k, 20k, 600 ohms
Common Mode Rejection Ratio Greater than 90 dB
Bridged Mono Output Power 240 watts RMS continuous, 8 ohms
360 watts RMS continuous, 4 ohms
500 watts RMS continuous, 2 ohms
Power Requirements 100V-240V

-> original Verpackung, Handbuch vorhanden
Preis 1000,- €
Bei Intresse einfach melden.
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 25. Feb 2007, 11:07
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 07. Mrz 2007, 19:46
Preisupdate 950,-€
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