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1. Liga Battle of the Bands: Hall of Fame

+A -A
#1101 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 07:52


Sentenced 50
Gojira 14 SAVE (und für Kabeljau)
Cathedral 52
Amon Amarth 30
Megadeth 48
Nightwish 24 KILL (Hat mich nie überzeugen können)

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von Klangdeich am 18. Apr 2012, 07:53 bearbeitet]
#1102 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 08:09

Sentenced 50
Gojira 16 SAVE
Cathedral 52
Amon Amarth 30
Megadeth 48
Nightwish 22 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1103 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 08:45

Heijohpeih schrieb:
Nightwish 28 KILL (Mein liebstes Hassobjekt. Auf Platz 1 meiner Charts "Schlechtester Live-Act aller Zeiten"!!!)

Mitnichten! Guckt Ihr hier bei youtube.

Nette Randbemerkung: 10 Minuten nach Beendigung des verlinkten Liedes, hat Träller-Tarja den Kündigungsbrief von ihrer Band in die Hand gedrückt bekommen.
Hat sich gelöscht
#1104 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 09:07

Sentenced 50
Gojira 18 SAVE
Cathedral 52
Amon Amarth 30
Megadeth 48
Nightwish 20 KILL (für den Gitarren-Poser-Gnom ^^)

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

edit: werte gefixt

[Beitrag von blitzschlag666 am 18. Apr 2012, 09:08 bearbeitet]
#1105 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 09:28

Sentenced 50
Gojira 18
Cathedral 52
Amon Amarth 30
Megadeth 50 SAVE
Nightwish 18 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1106 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 09:44

Sentenced 52 Save
Gojira 16 Kill
Cathedral 52
Amon Amarth 30
Megadeth 50
Nightwish 18

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1107 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 10:00
Timmitus # 1

Sentenced 52
Gojira 16
Cathedral 54 SAVE (für den Witchfinder General)
Amon Amarth 30
Megadeth 50
Nightwish 16 KILL (hab nur die Wishmaster, aber schon Jahre nicht mehr gehört)

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1108 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 10:18

EddieTheHead schrieb:

Heijohpeih schrieb:
Nightwish 28 KILL (Mein liebstes Hassobjekt. Auf Platz 1 meiner Charts "Schlechtester Live-Act aller Zeiten"!!!)

Mitnichten! Guckt Ihr hier bei youtube.

Nette Randbemerkung: 10 Minuten nach Beendigung des verlinkten Liedes, hat Träller-Tarja den Kündigungsbrief von ihrer Band in die Hand gedrückt bekommen.

Zugegebenermaßen habe ich die 2008 mit 'ner anderen Träller gesehen. Aber die Typen um die Sängerin herum waren noch um einiges schlechter! Das Konzert wurde zwischendurch abgebrochen, weil irgendjemand 'nen falschen Einsatz gegeben hat oder so ähnlich ... da sind alle Mann für 20Minuten von der Bühne verschwunden und haben sich gezofft. PEINLICH!
#1109 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 10:21

Sentenced 52
Gojira 16
Cathedral 54
Amon Amarth 28 KILL
Megadeth 52 SAVE
Nightwish 16

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1110 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 10:56

Sentenced 52
Gojira 16
Cathedral 54
Amon Amarth 30 SAVE
Megadeth 52
Nightwish 14 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von Warf384# am 18. Apr 2012, 10:57 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#1111 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 11:48

Sentenced 50 KILL
Gojira 16
Cathedral 54
Amon Amarth 32 SAVE
Megadeth 52
Nightwish 14

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1112 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 11:53

Sentenced 50
Gojira 16
Cathedral 54
Amon Amarth 32
Megadeth 54 SAVE
Nightwish 12 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1113 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 12:31
# 2

Sentenced 50
Gojira 16
Cathedral 54
Amon Amarth 34 SAVE
Megadeth 54
Nightwish 10 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1114 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 13:07
# 3

Sentenced 50
Gojira 16
Cathedral 54
Amon Amarth 34
Megadeth 56 SAVE
Nightwish 8 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
Ist häufiger hier
#1115 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 14:51

Sentenced 50
Gojira 14 kill
Cathedral 56 save
Amon Amarth 34
Megadeth 56
Nightwish 8

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1116 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 17:02

Sentenced 52 SAVE
Gojira 14
Cathedral 56
Amon Amarth 34
Megadeth 56
Nightwish 6 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
Ist häufiger hier
#1117 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 17:05

Sentenced 52
Gojira 12 kill
Cathedral 58 save
Amon Amarth 34
Megadeth 56
Nightwish 6

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1118 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 17:11

Sentenced 52
Gojira 10 Kill
Cathedral 60 save ~ HoF
Amon Amarth 34
Megadeth 56
Nightwish 6
AC/DC NEU (nun mal das Tor zur HoS ganz weit auf !)

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
Ist häufiger hier
#1119 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 18:33

Sentenced 52
Gojira 08 kill
Amon Amarth 34
Megadeth 58 save
Nightwish 6
AC/DC 30

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von -Frost- am 18. Apr 2012, 18:34 bearbeitet]
#1120 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 18:56

Sentenced 52
Gojira 08
Amon Amarth 34
Megadeth 60 SAVE => HoF
Nightwish 4 KILL (Los doch, die schafft ihr noch!)
AC/DC 30
Black Sabbath 30 <= Neu

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von Warf384# am 18. Apr 2012, 18:59 bearbeitet]
#1121 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 20:17

Sentenced 52
Gojira 08
Amon Amarth 34
Megadeth 60 => HoF (oh mein Gott - musste das sein ?)
Nightwish 4
AC/DC 28 KILL ( meine Nerven... )
Black Sabbath 32 SAVE

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
Ist häufiger hier
#1122 erstellt: 18. Apr 2012, 20:50

Sentenced 50 KILL
Gojira 08
Amon Amarth 36 SAVE
Nightwish 4
AC/DC 28
Black Sabbath 32

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1123 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 04:26

Sentenced 50
Gojira 08
Amon Amarth 36
Nightwish 4 (Der Freie Fall wurde aufgrund vom Hinzukommen von AC/DC gebremst)
AC/DC 26 KILL (Was hat dieses AllerweltsPartyPopgeschrumme mit Rock zu tun???, wenn bei denen die Glocken bimmeln krieg ich nen Lachkrampf)
Black Sabbath 34 SAVE (Wenn bei Black Sabbath die Glocken klingen gibts ne Gänsehaut.... und das schon 1970)

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von losAntonis am 19. Apr 2012, 04:28 bearbeitet]
#1124 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 05:35

Sentenced 48 KILL
Gojira 08
Amon Amarth 38 SAVE
Nightwish 04
AC/DC 26
Black Sabbath 34

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
Ist häufiger hier
#1125 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 05:38

Sentenced 46 KILL
Gojira 08
Amon Amarth 40 SAVE
Nightwish 04
AC/DC 26
Black Sabbath 34

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1126 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 06:14

Sentenced 46
Gojira 08
Amon Amarth 38 KILL
Nightwish 04
AC/DC 26
Black Sabbath 36 SAVE

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1127 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 06:34

Sentenced 46
Gojira 08
Amon Amarth 38
Nightwish 02 KILL
AC/DC 28 SAVE (Popgeschrammel??? Geht´s noch Antonis???)
Black Sabbath 36

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1128 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 07:02

Sentenced 46
Gojira 08
Amon Amarth 36 KILL
Nightwish 02
AC/DC 28 (Popgeschrammel??? Geht´s noch Antonis??? - Wo er recht hat;))
Black Sabbath 38 SAVE

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1129 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 07:07

Sentenced 46
Gojira 08
Amon Amarth 36
Nightwish 02
AC/DC 26 KILL (Bleibe bei der Aussage AllerweltsPartyPopgeschrumme. Rock ist was anderes)
Black Sabbath 40 SAVE

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1130 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 07:11

Sentenced 46
Gojira 10 SAVE
Amon Amarth 34 KILL
Nightwish 02
AC/DC 26
Black Sabbath 40

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1131 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 07:15

Sentenced 46
Gojira 10
Amon Amarth 36 SAVE
Nightwish 00 KILL --> HoS
AC/DC 26
Black Sabbath 40

Neue Band: P.O.D.

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von Heijohpeih am 19. Apr 2012, 07:16 bearbeitet]
#1132 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 07:22

Sentenced 46
Gojira 10
Amon Amarth 36 SAVE
AC/DC 28 SAVE (Die haben schon gerockt, da wusstet die Strategen von Raised Fist, P.O.D. und Ignite noch nicht mal wie rum man eine Gitarre hält!)
Black Sabbath 40
P.O.D. 28 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO[/quote]
#1133 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 07:24

Sentenced 48 SAVE
Gojira 10
Amon Amarth 34 KILL
AC/DC 28
Black Sabbath 40
P.O.D. 28

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von EddieTheHead am 19. Apr 2012, 07:26 bearbeitet]
#1134 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 07:27

Sentenced 50 Save
Gojira 10
Amon Amarth 34
AC/DC 28
Black Sabbath 40
P.O.D. 26 Kill (da kann ich nix mit)

ne ne ne , POD haben keine 38 Punkte
Oh schon bearbeitet, sorry
~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von slayer666 am 19. Apr 2012, 07:27 bearbeitet]
#1135 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 07:54

Sentenced 52 SAVE
Gojira 10
Amon Amarth 32 KILL
AC/DC 28
Black Sabbath 40
P.O.D. 26

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~

Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1136 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 07:55

Sentenced 54 Save
Gojira 10
Amon Amarth 32
AC/DC 28
Black Sabbath 40
P.O.D. 24 Kill

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1137 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 08:00

Sentenced 54
Gojira 10
Amon Amarth 32
Black Sabbath 42 SAVE
P.O.D. 24

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Korn - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

Nachdem ich den freien Fall von slipknot miterleben durfte, wurde ich Neugierig und habe ausgetüftelt welche Band sich jeweils für wieviele Runden im Ring befunden hat.
Da gibt es den absoluten Senkrechtstarter Katalonia (war bei der ersten Auswahl dabei) der innerhalb 16 Runden in die Hall of Fame geschossen ist.
Auf der anderen Seite hat es Limp Bizkit im freien Fall geschafft in nur 16 Runden in die Hallen der Schande zu fallen.
Man beachte auch, dass sich Meshuggah 421 im Ring aufgehalten hat, bevor sie in die HOF kamen.
Achja. Dabei habe ich auch festgestellt, dass vergessen wurde Korn in die HOS einzutragen.

~ Hall of Fame ~
16 Katatonia
32 Skyclad
32 Death
39 Ignite
39 Bolt Thrower
53 Enslaved (Nor)
57 Sodom
72 Nevermore
85 Accept
89 Carcass
96 Iron Maiden
96 At the Gates
105 Hail Of Bullets
112 God Dethroned
114 Cathedral
115 Asphyx
128 Type O Negative
133 Voivod
156 Megadeth
178 Raised First
187 Strapping Young Lad
212 Slayer
218 Savatage
309 Emperor
421 Meshuggah

~ Hall of Shame ~
16 Limp Bizkit
20 Children Of Bodom
22 Slipknot
24 Hammerfall
26 Winger
31 Primal Fear
31 Nightwish
33 Sonic Syndicate
48 Korn
73 In Flames
78 Mötley Crüe
84 Dream Theater
85 Dimple Minds
90 Symphony X
94 Dimmu Bogir
103 Metallica
113 Deadlock
114 WIZO
120 Therion
123 Avenged Sevenfold
125 Manowar
132 Anathema
153 Disarmonia Mundi
193 Before The Dawn
201 Cannibal Corpse

[Beitrag von losAntonis am 19. Apr 2012, 08:28 bearbeitet]
#1138 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 08:52
Hut ab! Da hat sich aber einer Mühe gemacht!
#1139 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 09:13
#1140 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 12:48

Sentenced 56 Save
Gojira 10
Amon Amarth 32
AC/DC 26
Black Sabbath 42
P.O.D. 22 Kill

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Korn - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1141 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 13:12
So... Zeit für ein paar Korrekturen


Sentenced 54 KILL
Gojira 10
Amon Amarth 32
AC/DC 28 SAVE (Für Kills bei AC/DC fehlt mir jedes Verständnis. Manche scheinen aber zu denken es wäre besonders cool, möglichst harte Musik zu hören und killen die meisten Bands, die nicht als Death/Thrash/Grind einzuordnen sind. )
Black Sabbath 42
P.O.D. 22

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Korn - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von Warf384# am 19. Apr 2012, 13:17 bearbeitet]
#1142 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 13:12

Sentenced 54
Gojira 12 SAVE (für "Of Blood And Salt" Featuring Devin Townsend und Fredrik Thordendal von der "Sea Shepherd EP")
Amon Amarth 32
AC/DC 28
Black Sabbath 42
P.O.D. 20 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Korn - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von Klangdeich am 19. Apr 2012, 13:17 bearbeitet]
#1143 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 13:31
Wenn Ihr Cathedral gekillt hättet, häütts aber Ärger gegeben!
Die AC/DC Killerei versteh ich allerdings au net, darum:

Sentenced 54
Gojira 12
Amon Amarth 32
AC/DC 30 SAVE (für ALLES bis zur BiB)
Black Sabbath 42
P.O.D. 18 KILL (weil man den Rest net killt)

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Korn - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1144 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 13:38

Für Sabbath und Acca Dacca kill ich alles was in der Liste steht!

Sentenced 54
Gojira 12
Amon Amarth 32
Black Sabbath 42
P.O.D. 16 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Korn - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1145 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 13:53

Warf384# schrieb:

AC/DC 28 SAVE (Für Kills bei AC/DC fehlt mir jedes Verständnis. Manche scheinen aber zu denken es wäre besonders cool, möglichst harte Musik zu hören und killen die meisten Bands, die nicht als Death/Thrash/Grind einzuordnen sind. )

Die Sachen bis zur BIB sind ja ganz witzig, aber sonst kann Ich halt mit AC/DC nicht wirklich viel anfangen.
Die "Dirty Deeds" kommt bei mir auch noch gelegentlich in meinen CD-Player, ein paar andere bluesige Tracks sind auch noch ganz nett. Ich habe ehrlich gesagt nicht den nerv aktuelle Alben von denen durch zu hören, aber was mir aus versehen so zu Ohren kommt, kann mich nicht wirklich begeistern.
Das ging schon (spätestens) mit Thunderstruck los.
Meiner Meinung nach nix für die HOF. (auch wenn sie für die HOS vielleicht zu schade wären)
#1146 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 13:57
Die ´"for those..." war auch meine letzte Platte von denen. Aber hey! Es ist AC/DC, wo wären wir heute ohne...?
#1147 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 14:08
Wenn die einer nicht oder nicht mehr mag soll er sie halt killen, Metallica sind auch in der HoS gelandet!
Aber wenn jemand AC/DC als "Party-Pop-Geschrammel" bezeichnet und ihnen abspricht, dass sie Rock Musik machen, verwundert mich doch sehr.
Das deckt sich so gar nicht mit meinem Verständnis von "Pop" (im heute gebräuchlichen Sinn), "Rock" und "Geschrammel".
#1148 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 14:14
Und im Gegensatz zu Metallica machen sie einfach nur ihr Ding, und zocken keinen ab...etc
#1149 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 14:20

Ragmac schrieb:
Wenn die einer nicht oder nicht mehr mag soll er sie halt killen, Metallica sind auch in der HoS gelandet!
Aber wenn jemand AC/DC als "Party-Pop-Geschrammel" bezeichnet und ihnen abspricht, dass sie Rock Musik machen, verwundert mich doch sehr.
Das deckt sich so gar nicht mit meinem Verständnis von "Pop" (im heute gebräuchlichen Sinn), "Rock" und "Geschrammel".

Wie schon gesagt... ist halt ein Spiel. (und nicht jedes Wort ist auf die Goldwage zu legen (erst recht nicht meine ))
Einigen wir uns auf "PartyRock"??
Ich finde es doch auch schade, dass ihnen die gute alte Portion "Drecksaublues" abhanden gekommen ist.

Zaianagl schrieb:
Und im Gegensatz zu Metallica machen sie einfach nur ihr Ding, und zocken keinen ab...etc

Schade, dass das bezogen auf Metallica wahr ist (Die sind zu Recht in der HOS, auch wenn die vor Uhrzeiten noch zu meinen favoriten zählten.

[Beitrag von losAntonis am 19. Apr 2012, 14:22 bearbeitet]
#1150 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 14:25
Sentenced 54
Gojira 10 KILL
Amon Amarth 32
Black Sabbath 44 SAVE
P.O.D. 16

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Korn - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1151 erstellt: 19. Apr 2012, 14:27

Sentenced 54
Gojira 10
Amon Amarth 32
Black Sabbath 44
P.O.D. 14 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Cathedral - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Megadeth - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Cannibal Corpse - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Dimple Minds - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Korn - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Nightwish - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
Gehe zu Seite: |vorherige| Erste . 10 . 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . 30 . 40 . 50 . 60 .. Letzte |nächste|
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