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Was jetzt? LCD oder Plasma?+A -A |
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erstellt: 04. Jan 2006, |
Ich möchte mir demnächst einen grossen Flachbildfernseher zulegen! Habe mich nach langem hin und her für den Pioneer PDP 436XDE entschieden, da ich das Bild sehr gut finde und er auch in Tests überzeugt! Jedoch muss ich immer wieder von allen Seiten hören das LCD besser ist! Bislang habe ich jedoch noch keinen LCD gesehen über 80 cm der nur annähernd so ein Bild geliefert hat! Was ist da jetzt dran? |
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erstellt: 04. Jan 2006, |
klar, der neue Philips ... 37PF9830 der 37 und 42" sind um Klassen besser, aber nur bei DVD oder HDTV ^^ Habe beide nebeneinander gesehen ° |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 04. Jan 2006, |
Du hast schon eine gute Wahl getroffen. Die beiden genannten Philips Modelle kommen nicht mit deinem Plasma mit. Egal was der Evil hier geschrieben hat. Gerade bei DVD Wiedergabe sieht ein LCD alt gegen einen guten Plasma wie dem Pioneer aus. Erst heute konnte ich das direkt vergleichen. Der Plasma lässt das Bild einfach natürlich wirken. Beim LCD kommt dagegen gar kein echtes Film Feeling auf. Alles wirkt doch sehr gekünstelt. Das musste selbst der LCD Besitzer(eines eher sehr hochwertigen LCDs) neidlos anerkennen. Er denkt nun sogar drüber nach seinen TV zu verkaufen und sich einen Plasma zuzulegen. O-Ton nach dem direkt Vergleich:"Tja, da kann ich meinen xxx ja gleich wegschmeissen". |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 04. Jan 2006, |
minderwertige bildquelle: Plasma: gut LCD: schlecht hochwertige bildquelle: Plasma: gut LCD: sehr gut |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 04. Jan 2006, |
Da muss ich meinem vor schreiber recht geben. Besitz den philips 32pf9830 und bei dvd's macht der ein gnadelos gutes bild. |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 04. Jan 2006, |
Sicher sieht das Bild ordentlich aus. Aber hast du wirklich mal zu Hause gegen einen guten Plasma vergleichen können? Dazwischen liegt noch einiges... Im grellen Kaufhaus mag ein LCD ja noch grob mithalten können. Zu hause aber sieht es ganz anders aus. |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 04. Jan 2006, |
Ich kann mich t3 nur anschliessen! Das Bild ist genial gut. Überhaupt nicht gekünstelt. Das gilt für den 32 und den 37PF9830! DVD ist auf diesen Modellen unglaublich gut. Ein guter Plasma ist da nur unwesentlich besser. Selbst der Schawrzwert ist sehr gut. Ein Plasma holt hier jedoch noch in klein wenig mehr hinaus. Für den 42PF9830 kann ich nichts sagen, hab ihn noch nie gesehen, wird aber sicherlich genauso gut sein bei guten Bildquellen. Allerdings: Der Preis. Wenn dir ein 37" zu klein ist und du lieber eine Diagonale von mehr als 40" möchtest, dann greif zum Plasma. Preis-Leistung ist hier sicher stärker, wenn du nur auf die Bildqualität achtest und auf Features keinen Wert legst. Ich hoffe dann aber, dass dir nicht in nächster Zeit ein 9830 mit Ambilight Demonstration vorgestellt wird. Dann sieht deine Überlegung nämlich garantiert anders aus. |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 05. Jan 2006, |
Ich würde sagen, es kommt auch darauf an, was du mit deinem Flachbildfernseher alles machen möchtest. Wenn du ihn nur mit analogen Signalen fütterst, ist das Bild eh nicht so dolle. Digital sieht die Welt dann schon ganz anders aus. Egal ob LCD oder Plasma. Wenn du allerdings in erwägung ziehst eine Konsole oder einen PC an das Gerät anzuschliessen würde meine Wahl auf einen LCD fallen. Alleine wegen der Einbrenngefahr bei gleichbleibenden Bildern. Die neuen Plasmaschirme haben da inzwischen zwar schon einige Sicherheitsvorkehrungen, die die Einbrenngefahr verhindern, aber wer weiss wie so ein Bild in 5 Jahren aussieht. Ist allerdings nur meine subjektive Meinung. Erfahrung habe ich mit dem Einbrennen auch noch nicht gemacht. Ich habe mir übrigens den Samsung LE32 R41 gekauft. Der wird hier im Forum ausgiebig besprochen. |
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erstellt: 05. Jan 2006, |
Also ich spiele auf meinem Panaasonic TH-42PV500. Trotz aller "Panikmache" habe ich direkt von Anfang an die XBOX 360 drauf laufen lassen. Hab jetzt 100 Stunden voll und es hat sich nix eingbrannt, es gab nichtmal ein Nachleuchten. Mit dem Kontrast sollte man es bekannterweise aber nicht übertreiben, hab ihn beim Spielen auf 50%. Und man sollte auc nicht unbedingt ein Menü auf dem Bildschirm haben und dann vorm Plasma einpennen ![]() |
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erstellt: 05. Jan 2006, |
naja abgesehen von den LCD Anhängern wurden meine bisherigen erkenntnisse ja bestätigt! Ich fan bis jetzt auch immer das LCD Bild für "Tot"! Irgendwie unnatürlich! Und da es im Mietshaus nicht so einfach ist vernünftiges Videosignal(Digital/ HD) zu bekommen und ich ansonsten nur DVDs schaue und ab und an vielleicht bissl PC oder PS2 zocke wird wohl der Plasma das richtige sein! Und meine Wahl ist scheinbar auch nicht verkehrt! Hat ja auch in Tests sein können bewiesen! |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 05. Jan 2006, |
hat ja auch bissel was mit der größe zu tun,in meinem 10 qm zimmer und 2 meter sitzabstand wäre ein 42-zoll plasma nicht so ideal.gibt ja leider keine 32-toll plasmas. und da ich eh viel konsole spiele nehm ich halt den besten 32-zoll LCD was ja zweifelsohne der Philips 32pf9830 ist. was die PAL-bildqualität angeht kann es ja kaum schlechter sein als mein panasonic-röhren-TV,das sieht grottig aus,andauernd geisterkonturen und gekrissel,war am anfang nicht,ist auch erst 2 jahre alt.. |
Neuling |
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erstellt: 05. Jan 2006, |
Hallo! Also ich kann nur sagen das ich eigentlich immer LCD Fan war aber mich letztendlich doch für einen Plasma entschieden habe. Hier mal meine Gründe für die Entscheidung nach 6 Monaten des Vergleichens: 1. Die Größe! Habe mir einen 50" Panasonic gekauft. Habe durchaus auch mit 42" Modellen geliebäugelt aber die Preise für LCD's in dieser Größe sind einfach noch zu hoch meiner Meinung nach. 2. Alle LCD's die ich bis jetzt gesehen habe hatten Probleme mit komplexen Farbübergängen. Vielleicht bin ich auch zu anspruchsvoll, keine Ahnung? ![]() Punkt 2 hat mich dann entgültig zum Plasma getrieben. Das ein LCD, wenn es um HD Material geht, besser sein soll kann ich mir nicht vorstellen. Ich habe gestochen scharfe Bilder mit grandioser Farbwiedergabe und habe noch keinen Finger gerührt um die Einstellungen zu optimieren. DVD's werden auch super hochskaliert! Ich kann ja mal ein paar Bilder machen... Muss aber erst mal schauen wie man die hier hochläd. Gruß, Markus EDIT: Habe den TV erst seit Montag, deshalb die Einstellungen noch nicht optimiert. [Beitrag von marwel am 05. Jan 2006, 19:46 bearbeitet] |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 05. Jan 2006, |
Hier kannst Du auch noch einiges nachlesen: ![]() Ich bin auch zwischen LCD und PLASMA hin- und hergeschmissen. Ich weiß einfach nicht was nun das richtige ist. So ist das nun, wenn es x Sorten gibt. Aber letzten habe ich nochmal den 9830 bei PAL Zuspielung gesehen. GRAUSAM!!! Und bei Sport sind auch hier die Nachzieheffekte deutlich zu sehen. Sehr schön zu sehen u.a. bei Ski-Springen. Nun kommt aber noch das nächste Entscheidungsproblem: Pioneer kündigte 1080p Plasma an und ClearLCD kommt definitiv bald. Nur wie lange will man warten...dann wartet man etwig. |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 05. Jan 2006, |
Hi, das kam gestern als CES-Vorschau: ![]() Jan 03, 2006 21:00 LG.Philips LCD Demonstrates Cutting-Edge Suite of TFT-LCDs at CES 2006; Full HD LCD Panels for TVs, World's Largest 3D Display and Digital Information Displays among Company's LCD Product Demonstrations SEOUL, Korea --(Business Wire)-- Jan. 4, 2006 LG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd. (NYSE: LPL, KRX: 034220), one of the world's leading innovators of thin-film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) technology, announced today that it will showcase its cutting-edge suite of TFT-LCDs for HDTVs, desktop monitors, notebook PCs, digital information displays and other applications during CES 2006 in Las Vegas. A sampling of the company's show highlights, include: Full HD LCDs for True HDTVs LG.Philips LCD will show its award winning 55-inch wide full high definition (1920 x 1080, two megapixels) panel for true HDTVs, which achieves a dynamic contrast ratio of 1200:1, and 47-, 42- and 37-inch wide full high definition TFT-LCDs for TVs that deliver dynamic contrast ratio of 1600:1. These panels all feature a wide viewing angle of 178(degrees), maximum brightness of 600 cd/m2, a response time as fast as 8ms grey-to-grey (GtG) and a high color gamut. These demonstrations further support the company's efforts to set the industry standard flat panel TV sizes of 47-, 42-, 37- and 32- inches, and all feature LG.Philips LCD's Super IPS technology, enabling the widest viewing angles with great color fidelity at any angle. Full HD LCDs for Digital Information Displays At CES, LG.Philips LCD will show its 55-, 47- and 42-inch wide UXGA (1920 x 1080) portrait mode digital information displays--demonstrating how LCD's high resolution, low reflectivity, long lifetime and ease of installation are revolutionizing digitial signage. Superior LCDs for Premium Desktop Monitors and Notebook PCs LG.Philips LCD will demo its fleet of TFT-LCD panels for premium desktop monitors and notebook PCs, including the world's largest and highest resolution 30-inch wide QXGA+ (2560 x 1600) LCD monitor panel, a 26-inch wide UXGA (1920 x 1200) LCD monitor panel and the world's largest 20.1-inch notebook PC panel. A Glimpse of What's Yet to Come...Future LCD Technology Prototypes on Display LG.Philips LCD's prototype demonstrations feature new technologies for LCDs, including: -- 47-inch full HD LCD TV featuring a lower power LED backlight, delivering a higher color gamut -- 42-inch 3D display, the world's largest switchable 2D/3D display -- 42-inch low power external electrode fluorescent lamp (EEFL) (145W) LCD for HDTVs -- 42-inch high color cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) LCD for HDTVs with a 90 percent color gamut -- 10.1-inch flexible e-book display, the largest flexible active matrix display prototype shown. -- And much, much more... Medium & Small TFT-LCDs In addition to the aforementioned demonstrations, LG.Philips LCD will also highlight a series of small and medium displays for a variety of applications such as car navigation systems, automotive entertainment, portable AV devices and mobile phones. und hier auch noch was für die Plasma-Fans... ![]() Jan 04, 2006 14:00 The Pioneer New Year Resolution: 1080p HD PureVision Plasma Doubles Pixel Density for Amazing Flat-Panel Picture LAS VEGAS --(Business Wire)-- Jan. 4, 2006 Four days into the new year, Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. brings new meaning to the New Year Resolution with one of the world's first 50" 1080p plasma displays, a technological innovation that doubles pixel density and resolution to deliver the best flat-panel picture quality. Pioneer's Elite PureVision PRO-FHD1 plasma with 1920 X 1080 resolution is capable of displaying the entire range of HD broadcasts including 720p, 1080i and 1080p. "Whether consumers are watching the football game or the big parade, Pioneer's PRO-FHD1 will literally make them part of the action. Great HD quality captivates viewers who will experience the difference that comes with Pioneer's best-in-class products as they hear the roar of the crowd and see each individual flower petal on the parade floats," said Russ Johnston, senior vice president of marketing and product planning for home entertainment at Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. Behind the emotional appeal of a PureVision plasma is the technology that creates a 1080p native resolution with more than 2 million individual pixels. The PRO-FHD1 combines the higher pixel count of 1080i with the faster refresh rate of 720p allowing for a smooth, accurate picture for fast-moving content such as action films or sports with the amazingly sharp, bright, accurate picture quality for which Pioneer is known. The PRO-FHD1 is leading a new dimension in HD from Pioneer with a trio of superior products. In concert with high-resolution amplifiers and speakers, as well as Pioneer's first Blu-ray Disc player, this new plasma creates the ultimate home theater. "Our new 1080p plasma is a milestone achievement that represents Pioneer's relentless pursuit of excellence. Achieving a 1080p native resolution has been a goal since Pioneer began plasma R&D in 1991. The proprietary technologies developed since that time now enable us to achieve the engineering feat of doubling the pixel density and resolution in a 50" plasma monitor," said Johnston. In addition to displaying 1080p signals, the PRO-FHD1 can up convert all other sources for improved HD image detail, color accuracy and fast moving image clarity. This Pioneer Elite PureVision 1080p plasma will accept sources from 720p and 1080i to DVD and Blu-ray Disc, and will automatically smart convert it to deliver the highest resolution picture possible. Pioneer proprietary technology that makes 1080p possible includes: -- Deep Encased Cell Structure makes each cell deeper to increase overall phosphor area for a brighter image. By casing each cell with horizontal ribs, Pioneer diminishes light leakage from neighboring cells for sharper, more accurate images. A new T-shaped electrode prevents misfiring of individual cells despite the fact that each individual cell is half the size as previous generations, enabling Pioneer to maintain its sharp, bright accurate images when reproducing at a native 1080p resolution. -- The Pure Crystal Emissive Layer sandwiched between the plasma glass and the individual light cells conducts energy more efficiently so each cell is charged and discharged at a faster rate, improving contrast and brightness while using less energy. Swift charge and discharge of individual pixels results in an extremely smooth transition from color to black for blacker blacks and increased detail in dark scenes. -- High Quality Up Conversion to 1080p minimizes interlacing motion artifacts of 1080i and increases the resolution of a 720p signal. -- New PureDrive II Signal Processing delivers low noise, high contrast and natural color images. The High Precision Video Scaler receives and displays 1080p HD native resolution. -- The First Surface Pure Color Filter reduces ambient light reflection and heightens color reproduction through the elimination of an extra layer of glass for sharper, crisper and more vivid images. -- Enhanced ISF C3 capability allows a certified calibrator to perform advanced color calibration with never-before-achieved simplicity, accuracy and reliability. It includes a detailed gamma selection with eight steps. -- Terminals on the monitor include Digital HDMI, DVI (HDCP), component and composite inputs. An optional tabletop stand and wall mount bracket will be available. The Pioneer Elite PureVision PRO-FHD1 will be available in June for a suggested price of $10,000. Grüße Michael |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 05. Jan 2006, |
...und das von heute... ![]() TOSHIBA AMERICA CONSUMER PRODUCTS, L.L.C. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TOSHIBA STRENGTHENS ITS FLAT PANEL TV LINE-UP WITH NEW LARGER LCD TV SCREEN SIZES, NEW PLASMA TV MODELS AND THE BROADEST SELECTION OF LCDVD™ IN THE INDUSTRY Toshiba introduces new LCD screen sizes with 1080p resolution CES, LAS VEGAS – JANUARY 04, 2006 – Toshiba America Consumer Products, L.L.C. ("Toshiba") displayed its newly expanded flat panel TV line-up at CES 2006. Exhibiting one of the most extensive flat panel TV assortments in the industry, Toshiba continued to show its leadership with the widest offering of LCDVD (LCD/DVD Combination TV) models available. Further strengthening the line, Toshiba displayed two new Plasma TV models and two new 1080p LCD TV screen sizes. "Toshiba continues to broaden and strengthen its flat panel TV line-up with new screen sizes and new technologies," said Scott Ramirez, Vice President, TV Marketing. "As a leader in home theater, it has been our history to provide high quality displays with a wide variety of consumer choice. We now continue that flat panel TV history with 25 different flat panel TV models, including two new step-up 1080p LCD TV screen sizes in the key 40" to 50" home theater size range." Toshiba displayed two new High Definition Plasma TV models. The new 42HP66 (42" diagonally measured) and 50HP66 (50" diagonally measured) utilize 10,000:1 high contrast ratio panels for enhanced picture quality. These full featured models come equipped with digital tuning (ATSC/QAM), dual High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI™) inputs, a PC input and a new modern cosmetic design. In addition, Toshiba displayed new 42" and 47" diagonally measured XHD™ 1080p LCD TV models. XHD LCD will be available in both TheaterWide® and Cinema Series®. They create the perfect step-up from the 720p Plasma models and will include advanced Toshiba technology such as: - HIGH-SPEED LCD Panel Technology (8ms or less Panel Response Speed). Provides clean natural images from fast motion video. - New PixelPure™ 14-Bit Digital Video Processing. This new high-speed system operates at 333 MHz and provides true 14-Bit processing for more natural images. In addition to its high bit rate, PixelPure 14-Bit features new real speed progressive scanning, increased dynamic range, increased sharpness, improved video noise reduction and dynamic gamma for uncompromised picture quality. - CableCARD™ Slot. Allows reception of Analog and Digital Cable TV without the use of a separate Set-top Box (Cable Service Required). - TV Guide On Screen® Interactive Program Guide. Easy channel navigation for Terrestrial TV, Cable TV and now DIRECTV Set-top Box Control. - THINC™ (Toshiba Home Interactive Network Connection). Home entertainment networking that allows consumers to connect their TV to their computer and playback MP3 files and JPEG files using only the TV remote. - New SystemMaster™ ergonomic universal remote control. Expected Availability - Plasma 42HP66 (April 2006); 50HP66 (May 2006) *********************************************************** ...und Sharp bietet auch noch was Neues auf... ![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SHARP SHOWCASES OVERALL DISPLAY DOMINANCE WITH ENHANCED TV FEATURES AND GROUNDBREAKING NEW TECHNOLOGIES AT CES Upgraded specifications to high-definition AQUOS LC-TVs plus LCD technology innovations and a new line of HDTV DLP front projectors headline Sharp's elegant home theater product line LAS VEGAS, January 5, 2006 – Sharp is taking LCD technology to the next level at 2006 CES with one-of-a-kind innovations and increased performance. The new line of large-screen AQUOS HDTVs feature enhanced contrast ratio, increased viewing angles and response times that are among the fastest in the industry. In addition, Sharp is showcasing groundbreaking technologies and applications that reinforce the company's dominance in the market. Sharp also further expands its large-screen offerings with new additions to its award-winning DLP front projection lineup. "Sharp makes one-of-a-kind products that change the way we live," said Bob Scaglione, senior vice president, Consumer Electronics Marketing Group, Sharp. "LCD is the best flat-panel technology, and we are focused on bringing LCD innovations to the next level at 2006 CES, not only with new AQUOS products that further raise the bar for LC-TV performance, but also with groundbreaking concepts that will change our consumers' lifestyles." Sharp is the worldwide leader in flat-panel LC-TV* and recently won an Emmy® award for the technology behind the AQUOS line**. The company has unsurpassed LCD screen manufacturing at its state-of-the-art factory in Kameyama, Japan, where an entire production line focuses solely on the creation of large-screen units, ensuring that Sharp maintains their top position in the marketplace and exhibiting the company's commitment to achieving even larger screen sizes. This manufacturing superiority helps Sharp offer the most comprehensive flat-panel LC-TV selection, with more than 65 models in screen sizes ranging from 13- to 65-inches. In addition to LC-TV, Sharp is further broadening its television line with the debut of high-definition front projectors that feature the award-winning Texas Instruments DLP™ technology. "Sharp's technical expertise extends beyond the flat-panel display category, and as a result we're pleased to be launching a number of new products in our line of DLP front projectors here at CES," Scaglione continued. "In addition to a new 1080p flagship product, we have a number of smaller, portable projectors for a full range of offerings, so that we can open up the world of projection to many more consumers. Sharp is completely committed to maintaining a leadership position in this segment, as well." Cementing the company's future presence in tech-savvy households, Sharp is also demonstrating sophisticated, breakthrough technologies that capture the near- and long-term potential of LCD in home, mobile and broadcast environments. Featured technologies at CES include a preview of a new way for consumers to view integrated broadcast and Internet programming on a single screen. For the broadcast professional, a new LCD monitor with a 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio for a crystal-clear picture will be demonstrated for use in demanding lighting conditions and picture-quality requirements. Finally, for mobile use in automobiles, Sharp is showcasing a two-way viewing angle display that lets two or more users watch two different programs that occupy the full screen of a single display simultaneously. Additionally, Sharp is showcasing new 1-Bit™ home theater systems, youth-inspired audio systems and a TV-DVD combination product. For detailed information on Sharp's new products, please see the individual product announcements and fact sheets available for media at sharppressroom.com. AQUOS 57-inch (LC-57D90U) High-Definition LC-TV Sharp adds a new screen size offering to its already extensive lineup of HDTV AQUOS Liquid Crystal Televisions with the elegantly-styled 57-inch LC-57D90U HDTV AQUOS Liquid Crystal Television. The LC-57D90U has full 1080p (1920 x 1080) true 16:9 resolution for a sensational high-definition viewing experience, and includes a built-in CableCARD slot that allows users to enjoy high-definition programming without an extra set-top box***. The 57-inch AQUOS features Sharp's proprietary new 5-wavelength backlight system that provides an enhanced color spectrum that produces more vivid, deeper reds and greens than previously possible. It also includes Sharp's proprietary multi-pixel technology that enables an incredible contrast ratio of 1500:1, enhanced Quick Shoot video circuitry for an unparalleled response time of 4 ms and wider viewing angles (176 degrees), so users can view the television from virtually anywhere in the room. Additionally, the LC-57D90U features dual HDMI, HD component, DVI-I and DTVLink advanced digital interfaces. Available in a titanium finish with detachable bottom speakers, the LC-57D90U will be available in March for a Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of $15,999.99. AQUOS Widescreen Series (models LC-45D90U, LC-37D90U and LC-32D50U) The new Widescreen Series of HDTV AQUOS Liquid Crystal Televisions, available in 45-, 37- and 32-inch screen sizes, feature Sharp's proprietary multi-pixel technology for extraordinary LCD performance. This technology enables an incredible contrast ratio of 1200:1, enhanced Quick Shoot video circuitry for faster pixel response time (6 ms) and wider viewing angles (176 degrees), so users can view the television from virtually anywhere in the room. The 45- and 37-inch models feature full 1080p (1920 x 1080) HDTV resolution, providing consumers with an unparalleled high-definition experience. They also include Sharp's new proprietary 4-wavelength backlight system that provides a wider color spectrum including deeper, more vivid reds than previously possible. The LC-32D50U has stellar 1366 x 768 resolution for viewing HD programming. Additionally, all units in this series include dual HDMI, HD component, DVI-I for PC compatibility and the DTVLink advanced digital interface. These elegantly-styled models are available in a titanium finish with detachable bottom speakers (models LC-45D90U and LC-37D90U) or fixed bottom speakers (model LC-32D50U). The LC-45D90U, LC-37D90U and LC-32D50U will be available in May for Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Prices (MSRPs) of $4,999.99, $3,499.99 and $2,299.99, respectively. AQUOS D40U Series (models LC-45D40U, LC-37D40U, LC-32D40U and LC-26D40U) The new widescreen 45-, 37-, 32- and 26-inch HDTV AQUOS D40U Liquid Crystal Televisions further bolster Sharp's unmatched selection of sophisticated designs and its superior-performing LC-TVs. This series features Sharp's proprietary multi-pixel technology that enables a sharper contrast ratio of 1200:1, enhanced Quick Shoot video circuitry for faster pixel response time (less than 6 ms) and wider viewing angles (176 degrees), so users can view the television from almost anywhere in the room. The newly-designed series features an elegant piano black finish with fixed bottom speakers and a detachable table stand for wall-mounting flexibility. With 1366 x 768 resolution and built-in ATSC/QAM/NTSC tuners, consumers can enjoy the latest HDTV programming. Models LC-45D40U, LC-37D40U, LC-32D40U and LC-26D40U will be available in March for Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Prices (MSRPs) of $3,999.99, $2,999.99, $1,999.99 and $1,299.99, respectively. AQUOS LC-20D30U This new 20-inch AQUOS is the first model in Sharp's extensive LC-TV line-up to offer true 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio and 1366 x 768 resolution for 720p HDTV compatibility in a 20-inch screen size. Perfect for a smaller or secondary television-watching space, the widescreen format allows movies to be seen in the aspect ratio originally intended by the director. The LC-20D30U provides outstanding picture quality with 800:1 contrast ratio, and multiple placement options with 170-degree viewing angles. In addition, the LC-20D30U includes HD compatibility, HDMI and PC compatibility, and features a new black matte finish with black side accents, bottom speakers and a removable table stand, for a variety of placement options. Model LC-20D30U will be available in February for a Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of $899.99. AQUOS S5U Series (models LC-20S5U and LC-15S5U) The new 15- and 20-inch 4:3 AQUOS models are Enhanced Definition LC-TVs that feature 480p compatibility for viewing progressive DVDs. These models have fixed bottom speakers and a silver finish with black side trim that complements any décor. The S5U series includes Optical Picture Control (OPC) for automatic brightness adjustment to accommodate a room's lighting conditions; NTSC, PAL and SECAM video playback capability; HD compatible input; and a high brightness level. Model LC-20S5U will be available in March for a Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of $749.99 and model LC-15S5U will be available in June for an MSRP of $549.99. Flagship DLP™ 1080p Home Theater Front Projector (model XV-Z20000): Sharp brings home theater to the forefront with the new XV-Z20000, utilizing a single chip 1080p DMD from Texas Instruments. This groundbreaking 1080p projector has a native resolution of "full HD" 1920 x 1080 for true 16:9 widescreen movie viewing, producing clear vivid images, transforming any room into a high-tech home theater. DVI/HDCP (High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection) and HDMI terminals ensure a secure digital connection with all high definition set top boxes. The XV-Z20000 will be available in 3Q 2006. Pricing is not yet determined. Portable DLP™ Front Projector (model XV-Z3000): Sharp's next-generation portable DLP™ front projector, the SharpVision XV-Z3000, is a 720p high-definition home entertainment solution that instantly transforms any room into a high-tech home theater. This widescreen, portable projector can be carried throughout a home or to a friend's home to create an instant home theater for watching TV, viewing DVDs or playing computer games on a big screen. The XV-Z3000 features brightness (1200 ANSI Lumens) and contrast levels (6500:1) superior to those available in current front projectors, so consumers can enjoy excellent picture quality in almost any lighting conditions. Additionally, a dual-iris system adjusts image brightness to show full detail and enhances contrast ratio to compensate for varied lighting environments. The low fan noise of 30 dBA (in economy mode) ensures that the viewer won't miss a minute of the film's dialogue and special effects. Other features include I/P conversion, 3-2 pull down, Color Management System (C.M.S.), 3-step Bright Boost, a 12 volt trigger and an HDMI interface. The XV-Z3000 will be available in April for an MSRP of $3,499. Portable DLP Front Projector (model DT-500): The DT-500 high-definition DLP™ front projector is a stylish, feature-packed projector that is ideal for a dedicated home theater or any viewing room. This portable unit can be moved easily from room to room, for an instant home theater anywhere. Utilizing the DLP technology from Texas Instruments, and with a resolution of 1280 x 768, the DT-500 produces a 4000:1 contrast ratio and a brightness rating of 1000 ANSI lumens, delivering one of the best pictures available in consumer home theater today. Weighing just 8.6 pounds, consumers can carry the projector to any room of the house to watch TV, DVD movies or play computer games on a big screen and then store the entire system in a cabinet to save space. A powered optical iris system instantly changes brightness and contrast settings with the push of a button to allow the greatest flexibility for varying home theater environments. Home theater convenience is further enhanced with easy installation and whisper-quiet operation. A 6 Segment 5 X Speed color wheel achieves flicker-free, high-grade images and accurate color reproduction, resulting in an uninterrupted, detailed picture. Other features include I/P conversion, 3-2 pull down, Color Management System (C.M.S.), 3-step Bright Boost and an HDMI interface. The DT-500 will be available in July for an MSRP of $3,299. High-Definition DLP Front Projector (model SharpVision XV-Z12000 Mark II): Recognizing the increasing consumer interest in total home theaters, Sharp has expanded its high-definition DLP™ front projector line with the newly-enhanced version of the award-winning XV-Z12000, the XV-Z12000 Mark II. This sleek-bodied, whisper-quiet product takes home movie projection to a new level of viewing enjoyment with unprecedented contrast ratio (7000:1) and brightness levels (1000 ANSI Lumen brightness in high brightness mode), for the clearest, truest-color images available today. The XV-Z12000 Mark II creates a cinematic experience anywhere consumers can imagine, transforming any family or media room into the ultimate high-tech home theater. Using DLP Dark Chip 3™ technology from Texas Instruments and Sharp's proprietary Computer & Video Integrated Composer (CV-IC II) System technology, the XV-Z12000 Mark II reaches previously-unattained levels of projection excellence. A powered iris switchover function instantly changes multiple brightness and contrast settings with the touch of a button, allowing flexibility for varying home theater environments. The XV-Z12000 has a native resolution of 720 for true 16:9 widescreen movie viewing and a DVI/HDCP (High bandwidth Digital Content Protection) terminal that ensures a secure digital connection with high definition set top boxes. The XV-Z12000 Mark II is available now for an MSRP of $10,999.99. Portable DLP Front Projector (model DT-100): Weighing just over eight and a half pounds, this portable DLP™ front projector can be moved easily from room to room, for an instant big-screen theater anywhere in the home. Using DLP technology from Texas Instruments, this stylish, feature-packed projector is ideal for consumers to watch TV, DVDs or play computer games on a full-size screen and then pack it all up and put it away, saving space and avoiding clutter. The DT-100 provides consumers with a compact, lightweight product that will easily fit on a shelf, cabinet or small side table. The projector is EDTV (enhanced definition television), with a resolution of 854 x 480 that is high-definition compatible. Upgraded features include an extremely high contrast ratio of 2000:1 as well as 1000 ANSI Lumen brightness for brilliant clarity and a superior image. The low fan noise of 30 dBA (in economy mode) ensures that a film's dialogue and special effects are the only sounds that movie-watching guests will hear. The projector is outfitted with a 6 Segment 5 X Speed color wheel that minimizes "color breaking" and provides high quality images with accurate color reproduction. The DT-100 is available for an MSRP of $1,299.99. Digital Memory Radio (model QT-MPA5) Share music anywhere with Sharp's new QT-MPA5, a digital memory radio that allows the user to play music from its built-in tuner or to create individual custom playlists by transferring digital audio songs (MP3s) from a PC to 512 MB of embedded flash memory. The system can run on batteries or be plugged into a wall outlet so music lovers can listen to tunes anywhere. Unlike conventional boomboxes, the QT-MPA5 has a rounded, compact design that makes it beautiful to look at and easy to carry. An AM/FM tuner provides radio playback and a 2.0 USB connection allows for speedy music file transfer from a PC. The QT-MPA5 will be available in May 2006 for a Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price of $189.99. Home Theater System (model SD-SP10) The SD-SP10 is a 1-Bit 2.1 Channel Home Theater System that uses Dolby Virtual Speaker Technology to simulate 5.1 channel surround sound. The SD-SP10 produces flawless, high-resolution sound, thanks to Sharp's patented 1-Bit amplification technology, which samples audio signals at an ultra-high speed rate of 5.6 MHz or 128 times faster than a CD. With a sleek design and just two components, the SD-SP10 offers limitless design and décor options that classic home theater systems cannot provide. The main unit can fit easily onto a small shelf or side table or into an existing home theater set-up. The SD-SP10 will be available in April 2006 for a Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price of $349.99. Micro Audio System (model XL-UH260) The XL-UH260 is a new micro system that incorporates digital audio playback into the system from an MP3 player via a USB connection. Consumers can take music from a personal, portable MP3 player and play it for guests through the Micro System. In addition to MP3 playback, the XL-UH260 features a powerful 230-watt amplifier, 5-tray CD Changer with Play Exchange for continuous CD playback, an AM/FM tuner, and Music Glow feature, which allows the speakers to light up to the beat of the music. The unit supports CD, CD-R/RW, MP3, & WMA playback capability. The XL-UH260 will be available in April 2006 for a Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price of $179.99. Widescreen Liquid Crystal Television/DVD Combos, models LC-26DV20U and LC-20DV20U: The new Widescreen LC-26DV20U and LC-20DV20U LC-TVs provide a slim, versatile, all-in-one television and video solution. Both units feature HDMI and HD component inputs for high-definition compatibility when connected to a separate set-top box. A built-in progressive-scan DVD Player loads discs into the TV from the side, keeping the sleek appearance of the unit and creating a complete home theater solution. The DV20U Series provides a high contrast ratio (800:1) and wide viewing angles (170 degrees). The 26" model is an HDTV and includes built-in NTSC/ATSC/QAM tuners. The 20-inch model is an HDTV Monitor offering HD compatibility and PC connectivity. These televisions are silver and feature bottom-placed speakers that will complement any decor. The LC-26DV20U and LC-20DV20U will be available in May for MSRPs of $1,199.99 and $899.99 respectively. For more information on Sharp's full line of Liquid Crystal Televisions, contact Sharp Electronics Corporation, Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, N.J. 07430, or call 800-BE-SHARP. For online product information, visit Sharp's virtual press room at sharppressroom.com or sharpusa.com. Grüße Michael |
Neuling |
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erstellt: 05. Jan 2006, |
Ich habe mal ein paar Bilder gemacht. Also wie schom erwähnt der Plasma (Panasonic TH-50PHD8EK) hat eine Diagonale von 50", Auflösung 1366 x 768, Sitzabstand ziehmlich genau 4m. Sehr gute Entfernung meiner Meinung nach. ![]() ![]() Aus ca. 1,5m - 2m Entfernung: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Fernsehprogramm über DVB-S. Leider werden die bewegten Bilder mit meinem Foto nicht so scharf. Hier hab ich wohl einen Szenewechsel erwischt aber man sieht trotzdem ganz gut dass das Bild ganz ordentlich skaliert wird. ![]() ![]() Hier eine sehr neblige Szene. Man kann gut sehen wie wenig Probleme die Graustufen machen. ![]() ![]() 1080i "Die Unglaublichen" leider auch nicht so scharf geworden. Keine Stufen beim Sonnenuntergang. ![]() ![]() Aus ca. 0,7m - 1,0m Entfernung: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ist häufiger hier |
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erstellt: 06. Jan 2006, |
und noch ne andere frage! Nicht ganz dazugehörend ![]() Lautsprecher lieber unten oder seitlich! gibts abgesehen von der optik unterschiede? Leistung,Klang? |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 07. Jan 2006, |
lautsprecher (bis auf den subwoofer, da ist's egal) immer in ohrhöhe, also wohl eher seitlich. und natürlich unverdeckt von grünzeug und sowas... ;-) hab aber auch ne frage an dich: was macht der pana denn bei fußball für eine figur? (PAL-fußball, meine ich natürlich, denn HDTV-fußball wird ja wohl bei der WM, so wie's aussieht, nur eine exklusive minderheit genießen dürfen) |
Ist häufiger hier |
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erstellt: 07. Jan 2006, |
Leider konnte ich den pio noch nicht an Pal sehen! Werde wohl so ne art Beta tester! Kenne seine Pal-Fähigkeiten nur aus Diversen Tests! Und als Klassenbester denke ich wird er ne Halbwegs gute Figur machen! Leider gibts bei mir in der gegend nicht viele Händler die Pio vertreten! Eigentlich nur der "Media Markt" Und wenn man die fragt ob man irgend nen TV am normalen Kabel sehen kann kommt die Aussage technisch nicht machbar weil durch den Verteiler das Signal zu schwach wird! Und ein unreelles schlechtes Bild entsteht! Lustig ist aber dabei dass die ganze Zeit eine HD-Test CD läuft! Sind ja reelle Testbedingungen! In der Berufschule vor 10 jahren hatten wir bei dem Thema Fernsehtechnik auch Verstärker Durchgenommen! Naja sowas gibts beim MM ![]() ![]() Naja wie gesagt laut Tests ist es das beste Plasma Panel zur Zeit! Hoffe mal das er auch ein wenig sinn für Fussball hat! Wenigstens für die WM mehr interessiert mich von dem Sport eh nicht! ![]() |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 07. Jan 2006, |
Kann ich persönlich so nicht bestätigen. Nach meinen Erfahrungen schnitt Plasma da immer schlechter ab. Viele sind halt noch die "weiche" Röhre gewohnt und Plasma zeichnet halt weicher als LCD. Wenn du diesen Eindruck hast, ist das nicht HDTV in Reinkultur! Das schaut völlig anders aus, als ein Röhrenbild... Ansonsten kann ich nur empfehlen bei den Thread nachzulesen, den wega gepostet hat... @Ex-Sunny Die neuen LCD-Ankündigen klingen sehr verlockend. Bin mal gespannt auf die Straßenpreise... @wega.zw Evtl noch eine Alternative für dich. Samsung hat auf der CES einen Full-HD-DLP-Rückpro mit LED-Backlights in 56" für 4200 Dollar angekündigt... Durch die LED´s dürfte der Lampenwechsel wegfallen... ![]() Gruß, Marcel! [Beitrag von celle am 07. Jan 2006, 17:19 bearbeitet] |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 07. Jan 2006, |
@Celle: Ja, man darf sehr gespannt sein in der nächsten Zeit. Fast alle haben jetzt LCD-Geräte deutlich über 40" im Angebot, Sharp und LG-Philips mit 57"/65" und 55" auch darüber. Von Samsung habe ich leider noch keine Details zu einem 50er bekommen, "nur" von dem 82er war natürlich die Rede, der auf der IFA zu sehen war. Auch bzgl. 50"-SED's oder darüber gab es bisher von der CES noch keine neuen Info's. Bekomme immer die aktuellen Info's ber Newsletter zugeschickt... ![]() Persönlich hoffe und denke ich, dass die Preise, auch bedingt durch die neuen 1080er Plasmas nochmal gedrückt werden können. Ich vermute, dass vor allem die neuen LED-Hintergrund LCD's das Budget deutlich belasten werden. ![]() |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 09. Jan 2006, |
Wie eigentlich erwartet kündigt Panasonic nur ab 65" den 1080p Plasma an. Sonst bleibt alles beim alten... ![]() Gruß, Marcel! |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 09. Jan 2006, |
Hi Celle, Pioneer hat einen 50"-Plasma mit 1080 angekündigt, verfügbar aber erst im Mai / Juni. Grüße aus Richmond! Michael |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 09. Jan 2006, |
Mai/Juni in den USA? Oder auch in Deutschland? Wo gibts denn da schon nen paar Details? |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 11. Jan 2006, |
@wega.zw: Dazu steht was in meinem Beitrag in diesem Thread weiter oben. Der Plasma wird wahrscheinlich zuerst in den USA rauskommen. siehe auch hier: ![]() [Beitrag von Ex-Sunny am 11. Jan 2006, 00:46 bearbeitet] |
Ist häufiger hier |
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erstellt: 11. Jan 2006, |
So habe es getan! habe heute den Pioneer PDP 436 XDE-U bestellt! Knappe 3000 Euro! denke der Preis ist OK! hoffe dass der TV auch das hält was versprochen wird! Morgen müsste er da sein! Freu!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 11. Jan 2006, |
Wo haste denn den für knapp 3000 eur gekauft? |
Ist häufiger hier |
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erstellt: 12. Jan 2006, |
Über den grosshandel! Da wir verschiedene Artikel diverser Art bestellt haben haben wir super Konditionen bekommen! Liegt aber im I net auch nur noch sanft über 3000! So konnte ichs aber noch mit meinen Überstunden verrechnen! Freu! |
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