Audison LRx 1.400

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#1 erstellt: 22. Feb 2008, 06:37
Preis (Pflichtangabe!): 190 Euro inkl. Versand

Standort: 513xx

Zustand: technisch keine Mängel, optisch leichte gebrauchspuren. Bilder reiche ich noch nach.


Audison LRx 1.400
LRx 1.400 is a mono amplifier especially designed to drive very low loads with thrilling energy reserve,
built-in active filters and LRx typical compact size.
Power supply and final stages use high current MOSFETs, which satisfy every power need.
With its 900 watts at 1 Ohm, LRx 1.400 is the ideal amplifier to drive state-of-the-art subwoofers systems
and to realise installations with very high SPL values and excellent timbre quality.
It has a Hi-Pass stereo filter and a 24dB/Oct.
Lo-Pass mono one; both are Butterworth, with independent adjustments.
The subwoofer section has a bypass subsonic filter and a 24dB/Oct. slope one with Q factor adjustment and phase switch;
thus, it always allows you to take full advantage of any speaker you are using.

1 x 350 W at 4 Ohm
1 x 650 W at 2 Ohm
1 x 900 W at 1 Ohm
#2 erstellt: 25. Feb 2008, 22:51
Keiner will Fotos ?
#3 erstellt: 26. Feb 2008, 18:35
doch ich,..

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