[V] Rockford Fosgate 801S (2-Kanal 800W RMS)

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#1 erstellt: 30. Jun 2006, 09:08
Biete einen Rockford Fosgate 801S 2 Kanal Verstärker

Er ist technisch und optisch in gutem Zustand.
Nur die Madenschrauben sind teilweise bissl Murks!

Das ist das einzigste Bild das ich auf die schnelle gefunden habe.
Ich werde aber noch ein paar nachreichen!

Im Lieferumfang sind enthalten:
- Verstärker
- Abdeckkappen für die Kabel seitlich
- Remote Controll + Kabel


- MOSFET power, and proprietary technology bring out extraordinary detail in your music, driving your subs with precision and strength you just can't get from a lesser amp.

- 200 watts RMS x 2 at 4 ohms
- 400 watts RMS x 2 at 2 ohms
- 800 watts RMS x 1 bridged output at 4 ohms stereo or bridged mono output
- 4-ohm stable in bridged mode
- Tri-Way capable
- Signal to Noise Ratio: 100dB
- Bass Boost Frequency 45 Hz
- Low - Pass Frequency 50 Hz - 250 Hz (12 dB/octave)
- High - Pass Frequency 50 Hz - 250 Hz (12 dB/octave)
- THD at Rated RMS Power .05 %

- wiring and hardware not included with amplifier we recommend an 8-gauge amp wiring kit with a 60-amp fuse

- MOSFET power supply and output devices
- MEHSA mounting technology increases the heat transfer from the MOSFET output devices to the heat sink, for higher power output, lower operating temperatures, and greater reliability
- TOPAZ noise-killing differential inputs that eliminate 80% of ground loop noise
- Transana circuitry keeps preamp voltages low and signal paths simple for outstanding audio quality
- NOMAD advanced protection circuitry for "intelligent" shutdown protection
wired remote included for fingertip control of Punch Bass (0-18 dB boost at 45 Hz) speaker- and preamp-level inputs

Länge: 43,4cm
Breite: 25,0cm
Höhe: 6,1cm

#2 erstellt: 25. Jul 2006, 13:58
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