3G-SDI Over Fiber

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#1 erstellt: 05. Okt 2016, 19:20
Hi All,

I need to broadcast and stream HD events using the QuestTel 3G-SDI extender over fiber. I am looking into having the ability to do full multicam mixes in 4K. Before I even look at investing in additional equipment, is there such thing as a 30km 3G, 6G, or 12G SDI fiber that's capable of UHD 6K? What's the maximum distance a 6K SDI fiber can run? What are users doing for 6K long cable runs.

Thank you,
#2 erstellt: 05. Okt 2016, 23:54
I don' t really understand your question. For a singlemode-fiber is only the damping a border. So in this produkt: Transmission Distance Over Single Mode Fiber (Km)20Km (40/60/80/100-Km Optional)
For more Distance they choose a laser with more power.

If you make a modulation to QAM 64....256 and go then on a optical transmitter, you can transport hundreds of 4k or 6k signals with one singlemode fiber for more than 100km. So done in cable-tv-networks, who has normaly a ring over the hole country with the complete programm.

You should tell the supplier like questel what you looking for and they will tell you, what you need . . . . but it is a little expensiv

[Beitrag von KuNiRider am 06. Okt 2016, 01:02 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 06. Okt 2016, 00:17
That not completely true, few encoder modulators can accept resolution 4k or 6k for example Adtec or Harmonic. Your example 8-QAM, 16-QAM, 32-QAM, 64-QAM 128-QAM, 256-QAM ... has nothing to do with fiber transport. Our application is to send SDI Camera signal over fiber

Thanks for your attention
#4 erstellt: 06. Okt 2016, 00:50
SDI needs one fiber for each camera and with the standart produkt in your Link you can reach 20km. For 6k combatibylity you had to ask questel.
If you hat to transport the pictures of 10 or more cams over a long distance, it might be cheaper to use a QAM-modulation for the signals and only one transmitter and fiber.
So take your complete application and ask for a solution by questel or an other customer of optical transmission.
#5 erstellt: 06. Okt 2016, 01:51
We did and they propose QuestTels 4Ch SDI encoder modulator we will go head and test drive this gear will let you know soon

Thank you again for your feedback
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