7-Kanal AV-Receiver, 100 Watt RMS, Dolby Digital EX / DTS
» technische DetailsVorteile Onkyo TX-SR 503
[[ pro ]]
Nachteile Onkyo TX-SR 503
[[ con ]]
20 plz suggest 5.1 speakers for TX-SR503
I am planning on a HT setup (5.1). Receiver: Onkyo TX-SR503 - 130W/ch, continuous 6 ohms I had decided on Sonodyne Genie-2 speakers - 80W, 8 ohms The Onkyo guyz as well as the Sonodyne guyz said that the speakers wont be a good match, and suggested to go for a lil more powerful speakers.....to... weiterlesen → -
23 HK AVR 235 or ONKYO TX-SR503
People is it a good idea to buy the HK AVR 235 7.1 receiver or the Onkyo TX-SR503 7.1 and put a 5.1 or a 6.1 speaker set from yamaha probably like the NSSP-1600 or the NS-P610 CH or NS-P236 to complete the HT now the confusion is 1- which of the 2 receivers is better? 2- the wattage/ rms issues... weiterlesen → -
2 Onkyo TX-SR503 or TX-SR702 ??
Which is a better AV receiver to go for - Onkyo TX-SR503 or TX-SR702? (The TX-SR702 has the advantage of being THX certified. and as per Forum reviews, TX-SR702 has received lot of accolades) Based on your experience, which one should I go for? weiterlesen → -
80 Indian Brand 5.1 setup
Could you please suggest a good Indian brand for a 5.1 setup in my 10 X 14 sq.ft. room? (in Bangalore) Cadence looks to be the fav, but a lil too expensive for me. (for a 5.1) Sonodyne looks to have mixed opinions. My max limit is 1L which should include the speakers and amps. Tim weiterlesen → -
32 Need Advice On A Low Cost AV Receiver
I have recently bought a (pre-owned) Bose Acoustimass 15 Home theater system. It consists of One active Sub and 5 satelitte channels. Its for my Kid\'s room, where I recently fitted an LCD TV. It will be used ONLY for Home Theatre and TV related use, Not for serious 2 channel listning. I... weiterlesen → -
39 5.1 sound for 30K
I am big movie buff based in Delhi. I am looking for a 5.1 sound setup for playing DVD movies. Initially I was waiting for Philips HTR 5000 (14K) to be launched in Delhi (Yep, its not available here). Now I have decided to expand my budget. I see these 3 options open before me - 1) Onkyo HT-S... weiterlesen → -
68 NEW HT Opinion
I am in Bangalore, I have been reading the various past postings and still unclear about my purchase. I am planning to buys a HT mostly for listening music and movie in 60:40 ratio. My budget is less than 50K (25-40K). The reason for such a wide range is my inability to finetune my requirement... weiterlesen → -
81 Need AV Reciever suggestion
All, I am looking for an AVR in the range rs.15k - 20K. Need suggestions in Onkyo, JBL, Yamaha. Sunil weiterlesen → -
11 5.1 vs 7.1
I am planning to get an Onkyo TX-SR503 receiver with a 5.1 setup of Sonodyne Genie-IIs and Roarr 2815 subwoofer. 1. Is the Onkyo-Sonodyne a good combination? 2. Shud I go in for the Sonodyne AV300R (which is 5.1) or the Onkyo AVR(7.1)? I am planning on Onkyo coz its a 7.1 AVR, and the 5.1s... weiterlesen → -
11 output of an AVR
Everyone, just want to know. is there any difference in the power output of an AVR when it is played in stereo or surround mode? for eg. in stereo mode the rated output is 100 w/c and in surround mode it becomes 70 w/c. weiterlesen → - alle Beiträge im Forum durchsuchen