Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125

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#1 erstellt: 01. Jul 2009, 11:53
Arguably, Beethoven's best/greatest symphony is part of the SOI's 7th Season starting on the 18th of September. There are two performances of this epic work scheduled for the 26th and 27th of September. This will be a dream for many a concert goer.
#2 erstellt: 01. Jul 2009, 16:32

SWITCH-IT-ON schrieb:
This will be a dream for many a concert goer.

Where will all fit ?

#3 erstellt: 04. Jul 2009, 07:41
Very ambitious of them to perform this work.

On second thoughts which choir and who will be the soloists ?

Its worth booking now. Tickets open ?

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#4 erstellt: 08. Sep 2009, 11:10
Any Mumbai members present for the concert?
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#5 erstellt: 08. Sep 2009, 11:18
"Very ambitious of them to perform this work"

Dear Maneck.... Everytime the Orchestra announces its new season, this thought does cross the mind, Yes. However, everytime I attend the concerts, they are put to laid. The performances have been lovely to spectacular. Last season, the Ravel "Bolero" was performed better than the one I heard in Munich a couple of years ago. It was performed at the "Herkulesaal" by the "Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks" which is amongst the top ten orchestras of the world.
#6 erstellt: 09. Sep 2009, 05:50
I happened to browse the ncpa site and it read that some khazak orchestra with the paranjyoti choir is performing this work ? True ?

Soi, I have been told has made progress by leaps and bounds and proud of it. But the ninth is a challange :-)

Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#7 erstellt: 17. Nov 2009, 01:32
The Symphony Orchestra of thats an "ambitious" title indeed! Since when did Kazakhstan become a state of this country?
Mind you, there's nothing wrong with putting together an orchestra consisting mainly of what may be described as "musical mercenaries", with a few locals thrown in to satisfy the government; but surely a more appropriate....and truthful....title should have been "The NCPA Symphony" or something like that?!

[Beitrag von bombayteddy am 17. Nov 2009, 01:33 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 27. Feb 2011, 06:35
Switch it on

Heard the soi yday eve with apro zane dalal. They played the bolero. It was indeed a good performance.
Enjoyed the concert.

I believe zubin mehta and the maggio musicale orchestra are back on march 30th

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