Highend LCD: Löewe Spheros R 32 DR+ oder Samsung LE-32M61B

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#1 erstellt: 15. Okt 2005, 15:48
Im looking for at extremely good LCD with great design and digital recording+DVD recording and HDMI Out, from the same manufacter. Until know I have only seen Loewe and B&O with great black color design (in my opnion).

Loewe Spheros R 32 DR+ cost around EUR 4199 with digital recording (2 turners as I know) and DVB-T and DVB-C included. Löewe DVD-Recorder Centros 2102 HD (HDMI-Out) costs separately EUR 599. It all looks very great and I also hope the the piture quality is graet and so, because it is a totally new LCD-panel and the price is high and the former models have had great reviews. Audio should be great 2x40 watts, sorrund sound and so on.

But now, I also see that Samsung come with a brand new LCD, LE-32M61B (and DVD-HR725 Recorder//HD/HDMI-Out - totally priced around 3.000 EUR). with a accaptable black design (but the Loewe is still a lot niceer in design I think). So im still in love with Loewe...

Anyone knows what LCD would have the best picture quality for TV and normal use?

If im only looking at these specs Samsung is to preffer:
Contrast 5.000:1 (Loewe only 800:1 !)
Responce time: 8 ms (Loewe 12 ms)
Brightness: 550 (Loewe 450)

Im confused what to buy?

Hope to hear from you.
Thanks, Jens
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